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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing dates back to ancient times when it was believed that the human body needs cleansing to rid it of any toxins so helping in better performance.

Promoters of good health believe that toxins in our gastrointestinal tract can, by time, cause various ailments and health problems. The key theory behind colon cleansing is the belief that undigested meat and other foods cause the buildup of mucus in the colon. Symptoms range from fatigue, low energy, headaches, and weight gain to arthritis, allergies, asthma and diabetes.

Benefits of colon cleansing include energy boosts, increase in healthy intestinal bacteria, and the overall enhancement of the body’s immune system. Colon cleansing helps our digestive system to function normally and so helps us to keep healthy and free from any gastrointestinal tract related ailments.

Some other benefits of colon cleansing are clearer skin and healthier-looking hair as well as a stronger resistance to diseases. Many claim to have lost weight after colon cleansing for the fact that they were digesting their food better, thus lowering any water or waste retention. Better digestion means better absorption of food which means more energy. Less energy is used to digest food and so more energy is available for other organs and muscles giving an overall boost to our body.

A vital element of a colon cleansing program is the use of probiotics which encourages the presence of healthy bacteria in our GI tract. This healthy bacterium prevents the overgrowth of yeast and fungus and it also produces substances that can lower cholesterol.


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