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Saturday, December 19, 2009

How do I decide between different ISO levels on a digital camera?

A digital camera is used to take videos or still photographs, and sometimes it even takes both of them. It is much more sophisticated than an old film camera. There are many kinds of digital cameras, but the most common remains the compact digital camera due to its small size, therefore one can take it anywhere.

Digital cameras have a particular setting known as ISO. This is considered to be one of the principal advantages of digital cameras. It measures the film speed, the same as in the film cameras used in the past. Film speed refers to the sensitivity of the camera’s image sensor to light. Since a compact digital camera is already very small, the image sensors of such cameras have a diagonal of about 6 mm.

There are many ISO levels on a digital camera and they are used in different situations. The range of ISO levels which are found in an average digital camera are 100, 200, 400 and 800, but other digital camera often have 64, 160, 640, 800 and 1600 as well. The highest ISO level in some more sophisticated digital cameras is as high as 3200.

An important to keep in mind about ISO is that low ISO levels indicate slow film speed, whilst high ISO level indicate fast film speed, and when the level of ISO rises, it may consequently result in grainy and not so clear photographs. A photo taken at an ISO level of 100 is therefore much better than one taken at ISO 1600, thus if one is taking a photograph, it is wiser to select the lowest ISO level possible, however, the higher levels also have their own functions.

ISO 100. The lowest ISO level is generally used when photographs are taken outside in the sun i.e. on a beach, thus where light is abundant. It helps the camera to take clear photographs of very good quality and these photographs can be enlarged very easily.

ISO 200. In case of cloudy weather or indoors, when the environment does not have so much light, it is advisable to set the camera on ISO 200. The noise may slightly increase, but it is not noticed very much.

ISO 400. This level is ideal for situations where the photograph is to be taken in dimmer light, such setting is also advisable to use when a fast-moving object needs to be captured on the photograph, the reason being that higher ISO settings increase the camera’s shutter speed in order to recompense for the lack of light in the scene, as well as to enable the camera to immobilize the object moving in front of it.

Another ability related to ISO that a few digital cameras have is the automatic (auto) setting. In case this setting is selected, the digital camera itself chooses an ISO from the levels between 100 and 400 according to the amount of light and the mode of the camera.

The knowledge of the camera’s different ISO levels is very important in digital photography because it gives the photographer more power and control in the manipulation of the camera.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fat Burning Foods

Additionally to regular exercise, you can get rid of those extra inches by choosing the right food which are referred to as ‘fat burning foods’ which help trim your waistline. These foods work by helping you burn more calories than there are calories in the food itself and they make you feel full and satisfied.

At the top on the fat burning food list we will find all citrus fruits which are very rich in vitamin C. Examples of these are oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangerines etc. Vitamin C will dilute fat and contributes in releasing it from our body.

The apple is another fat burning fruit since the pectin it contains restricts our body cells from absorbing fat. It also encourages the body to absorb more water which will then help in the fat elimination process. Also it is believed that the apple also contains antioxidants which may prevent excess belly fat, also known as the metabolic syndrome.

Chilies are also listed as being a fat burning food. They contain capsaicin which is known to increase of rate that the body burns any stored fat in order to release energy and it is believed to burn fat for 20 minutes after eating it.

You should also include lentils in your diet since they are high in protein and soluble fiber which greatly help in keeping our sugar levels down and are often used by people who wish keep a trim waistline.

Lastly but just as important, are all calcium rich diary products which are believed to keep our tummies flat. It is best to consume calcium rich foods, such as milk, yoghurts etc, 3 times a day, to enhance weight loss.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bleaching Teeth

Bleaching Teeth, more commonly known as ‘teeth whitening’, is becoming a regular procedure in general dentistry since we are becoming more aware of how we look and such option are readily accessible to all.

As a person ages, he/she experiences various changes in their teeth, particularly in their mineral structure, which is mirrored in their teeth’s color. Other important elements which affect the color of our teeth are particular foodstuffs, tobacco as well as pigments caused by oral bacteria. Also it is believed that certain antibiotic medications can stain and affect the teeth’s enamel.

We can find many teeth bleaching aids at our local pharmacy and these may include: bleaching strips, gels and pens, as well as natural bleaching products or laser bleaching. Most bleaching gels and strips can be used at home. They act as oxidizing agents which penetrates the teeth’s enamel and oxidizes the minute stain deposits which are trapped there. This procedure can improve and whiten the teeth’s color and the effect can last for various days, depending on the person’s lifestyle. For best long results, one must restrict him/herself from smoking or drinking dark liquids such as coffee, tea or red wine.

Laser bleaching is a dentistry procedure where light energy is used to accelerate the bleaching process. A translucent bleaching gel is applied to the teeth and with the addition of a laser light, this gel penetrated the teeth enamel and removes any dark stains there. This process offers a better result than the previously mentioned products and it can last for several months. A great advantage in using this method is that it is very effective and it usually only takes on visit to acquire the desired result.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Conquer Hair Loss and Prevent Baldness

Experiencing hair loss with age is very common. It could be a receding hair line, thinning hair or even bald patches. Whatever the case, it can become a serious concern especially if you are still in your early 20s or 30s.

To prevent baldness and to stop the hair loss process you must first investigate as to what is the primary cause. If it’s a temporary issue, due to a particular illness or a reaction against intake of particular medications, you must first address this in order to bring back the hair growth cycle to its regular pattern. You can then turn to hair products especially created to prevent baldness and to stimulate new hair growth.

One important factor to keep in mind is to use shampoos and conditioners which are ideal for your scalp. There is no need for any expensive hair product to stimulate hair growth but your main aim is to use natural products which clean the scalp and promote hair rejuvenation. It is also particularly advised to use a shampoo and a separate conditioner and to avoid a 2 in 1 product.

Eating a balanced diet, which is rich in vitamins, is becoming a popular practice in preventing baldness. Although it is not the main cause of baldness, poor nutrition can cause hair loss, thinning hair and can cause bald patches to appear. Vitamins which are particularly helpful are B-Vitamins, which are found in lean meat, eggs and cauliflower, and Biotin which contribute to healthy hair growth. This is found in foods such as brown rice, walnuts and old fashioned rice.

An advantage of using natural products to prevent hair loss and baldness is that there are no side effects caused by certain medications and in this way your whole body system is gaining.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I am planning to take a short break - a long weekend break actually - and will restart posting, business as usual, from next Wednesday (9th December 2009).

Till that time, I wish you all the best, keep on smiling and may you all have a lovely weekend and feast day on the 8th.